he 2016 Presidents Award, was given to MLT at the April 29, 2017 AGM Awards luncheon, “…in recognition of an employer that promotes and encourages certification of employees and the endeavours of the Society.”
“ Having our employees work and attain certification is important for (MLT) Missing Link Technologies, of Moncton. It allows our employees to tap into all the available resources at NBSCETT/SttagN-B. It’s also important that we establish the fact that we are professionals in our chosen field. Secondly it demonstrates to our clients a level of professionalism, and that we are involved in our industry at multiple levels.”
– Charles Gervais, President
Accepting the 2016 Presidents Award from President Jean-Guy Babineau (right), is one of the original 2001 MLT employees, Doug McCluskey, CET (left).